Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Well I'm off to a less than auspicious start, seeing as how I planned on launching this blog two days ago! So friends, I do plan on posting once a week on various topics regarding the cultivation of ladydom. My first point, obviously, is punctuality. Admittedly, I'm late quite often. Not by more than ten minutes in most cases, but I'm no fool, and I know that still counts as late. Since this post is late, it seems rather fitting to promise that I will be making a much more concerted effort to be on time. A lady who's tardy is no life of the party (I made that up). So please help me, friends. If I'm late to brunch, shame me mercilessly and withhold my Bloody Mary (actually this is not a good idea). However, please give me a break if I'm driving more than four miles in Los Angeles, because let's face it - that shit is bananas (B.A.N.A.N.A.S.). Depending on how this goes, I may decide to focus my efforts on promoting "fashionably late" instead of bettering myself. Which leads to next week's topic - bein' lazy!

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