Ladies Links

Arts, Crafts, and Culture

Do It With Cassendre 
Cassendre de le Fortrie, the ultimate lady, plugs us into cool happenings around SoCal and interviews some really amazing artists, writers, musicians, and even car collectors!

The Makery SoCal
Lisa Rios and her team in Anaheim have worked tirelessly to bring a new crafting haven to Orange County.  Please check out her page for ideas, products, and classes.


Chore Tell 
A great site full of calendars, to-do lists, shopping lists, etc. with a little flair.  This is where I got my "Cross It Off Daily Chore Calendar."


Rick Steves 
My mom and I are somewhat obsessed with Rick Steves - our travel guru.  Personally, I ignore his tips on packing just the basics, but other than that, he is number one in terms of sightseeing and lodging recommendations and itineraries.  Also, check out his amazing PBS travel show and his iPhone apps!

Hotel Del Coronado
In San Diego, California, this is my favorite hotel in the world!  Built over 100 years ago, it's changed a lot but worth the visit.  Unfortunately my favorite bar/tea room was turned into a gift shop.  It served as the "Seminole Ritz" location in the classic film Some Like It Hot.

Disney Cruises
I know what you're thinking, but trust me on this one.  Kids are hidden away in special daycare clubs, the bartenders are amazing, and the food is the best I've ever eaten.  Yes, I love Disney, but I also love impeccable service and beautiful destinations.  My parents and I took the 4 day Bahamian cruise and loved every moment of it!

Hearst Castle
Talk about grandeur!  I love the tours of Hearst's central coast estate because it offers a glimpse into a lifestyle that is far from my own and full of "Golden Age of Hollywood" history.  It's the closest thing West Coasters have to a royal palace.

Catalina Island 
Growing up, we spent a weekend on Catalina every summer for about fifteen years.  I love renting a golf cart and exploring the island, taking the casino tour, and eating Big Olaf's hot fudge waffle cones!  It doesn't hurt that it used to be the playground of Hollywood's biggest stars (are you noticing a trend with me yet?).

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